Use the mobile app on an inspection

Use the mobile app on an inspection

This is a simple guide for first-time users of the Realquantum mobile app.  
Photos, Notes, and Sketches applied to an assignment in the mobile app will automatically sync with realquantum web.
To get started, you must open or create an assignment record.

Add real-time photos

  1. Open an existing assignment or create a new assignment in the mobile app.  Learn how
  2. Click the  in the lower-left corner to take a single photo
  3. Photo Captions can be applied using preset captions or by manually entering text.  Learn more 
  4. A green border will appear around the photo once it has synced with the web app
    1. All mobile exhibits default as Subject Photos in the exhibits section of the property on realquantum web.
    2. Learn how to edit photo placement and captions using the web app.

Capture your observations and add notes

Add notes as you walk through the property. Type or use text-to-speech to write up your insights during the inspection.
Notes automatically sync to the timeline in your assignment record, providing built-in organization and helping create a narrative.
Notes are limited to 1000 characters.
  1. Open an assignment in the mobile app
  2. At the bottom of the screen you'll see a place to enter a note
  3. When you're done, tap the  icon to the right of the note
  4. A green border will appear once the note has synced with the web app

Add a Sketch

Sketch with a stylus, Apple Pencil on supported devices, or just use your finger.
Sketches automatically upload to realquantum web and can also be included as exhibits in your reports.
  1. Open an assignment in the mobile app
  2. Tap in the field to add a note

  3. Tap on "..."

  4. Tap Sketch in the pop-up box

  5. The sketch feature is now open for you to draw your sketch
  6. When your sketch is complete, tap Capture in the upper right corner to take a photo of the sketch so that it is added as an exhibit to the property

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