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I don't see my assignment(s) in the mobile app
If the assignment already exists in realquantum web but is not showing up for you in the mobile app, check the following from the web app: Are you listed as an appraiser assigned to the assignment? Open the Assignment Click Appraisal Scope from the ...
Use the mobile app on an inspection
This is a simple guide for first-time users of the Realquantum mobile app. Photos, Notes, and Sketches applied to an assignment in the mobile app will automatically sync with realquantum web. To get started, you must open or create an assignment ...
Work with Properties and Assignments in the Mobile App
To use the mobile app on an inspection, make sure you have the assignment open that is associated with the correct subject property. You can create both property and assignment records directly from the mobile app. Create properties and assignments ...
Add photos from your phones camera roll
You don't have to take photos using the mobile app to quickly sync them with the web. This article explains how to add photos already in the camera roll on your device to an assignment using the mobile app. Open the assignment in the mobile app Click ...
Supported devices for using the Realquantum mobile app
Currently, the mobile app works on Apple devices. We are building a version for Android. Realquantum Mobile Compatibility With each of these devices, cellular data is highly recommended as it has GPS support for capturing accurate geolocation for ...